So far this first week back from spring break'14 has sucked to be honest I really do wish I could restart this week or I can figure how to turn it back around. Now yes I had two test where I took before break and I did I guess ok but who knows anymore its like one step forward but then two or three steps back when you finally get things almost heading up it all comes crashing back right on top of you. But to start off the week apparently a bad stomach virus was going around and I know that Monday night into Tuesday I felt like death but I am better now, that I spent break working on the wrong paper for English. That history is slowly creeping up on me as well as bio lecture and lab and all I want is to figure out how to make everything work but yet not kill myself but I think that may be all that I can do.
But for being about English we are working now on are family paper and ill be honest I do not mind doing the paper but having to pick one point and then argue or back it up is something I've never done with a paper and I am still trying to figure out how I feel about this and I do not know to be honest. I understand that papers like these must be done and that's how life is going to be and your just gonna have to take the hits and that's why I have this clip.
I hope you get all your work done. Try not to stress take each class one step at a time. I'm positive you will be alright just a few milestones in the way. Just stay focused and remember to breath and relax!